Monday, July 16, 2018

July 16, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. The Rain.

Late this morning I took letters to our mailbox for the mailman could put them up when he delivers the mail. It is a useful service. I pull out the red marker on the side to signal I have mail to be picked up. I was also intending to deposit a few things to leave in the recycle bin, which would be picked up today. As I was walking out the door, I thought to myself that rain would be coming soon. By the time I was half way to our mailbox I was feeling rain. And it got worse. I walked across the front of the yard to the trash bin, which I had put out earlier. And the rain continued to fall. By the time I got into the house I was soaked to my skin. I was wearing shorts and a light shirt so the air-conditioning felt chilly. Within 5 minutes the rain had stopped. I had left the house and was outside a total of a few minutes and I got soaked. My timing was perfectly terrible. I did laugh. The next time I sense rain coming I will stay inside. But then late this afternoon we had a huge storm. Thunder, lightning and heavy rain which continue over an hour. Notices came on the TV about the storm. I was pleased to be home. I sat in the middle of the living room as far away from the windows as possible. And I watched and listened to the storm. These Mississippi storms are unbelievable. Flash floods in the area. Scary.

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