Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July 17, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. A Close Call.

Normally after I finish my swim, I put on my cover up and walk home, dripping wet. Everything is wet including my towel and my cover up and my shoes. As I am always alone in the pool, I got the great idea of removing the straps from my shoulder and put on my cover up. Then remove my bathing suit down beside my feet. This was all decided when I was in the pool completing my exercises. It seemed like a great idea. My plan was to allow my bathing suit to drip beside me in a chair so I would not need to drip across my floor at home. So I implemented my plan. But I had a problem. As I put my hands up to put on my shirt/cover up, the straps fell off and my top fell to my waist. Next my shirt got stuck on my shoulders as I was wet. It seemed like an eternity before I was able to pull down my cover up/shirt. For a while, I was exposed to the elements but eventually I was decent. I sat and let my suit rip, then walked home, without getting everything wet. My system worked but I was just lucky that no one else had come into the pool area while I was taking off my suit. It would not have been a pretty sight. I am 80 and overweight. What else do I need to say? I had a close call.

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