Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 29, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Paul's Bistro.

Drama in the kitchen today. At 1:30 we four arrived at Paul's German restaurant. No one was in the restaurant itself but the deck was full. One waitress was looking after everyone. She graciously took us to a table and brought us menus and water. We had eaten at Paul's several time so we knew Hans, the very German cook and owner of the restaurant. Paul is the owner of the building, which is a little house. So we drank our water and read the menu. While we were waiting, the waitress was scurrying out to the deck with food as well as having the customers pay their bills. While we were waiting, four people arrived to have lunch and selected a table close to the kitchen. We all noticed them because they were very heavy. And as they passed by us, one man commented that he had forgotten his wallet. So we waited and then we ordered. And we waited. The waitress walked with a heavy step. We had all noted it. She burst in from the deck, stomping into the kitchen and spoke loudly and crossly to the cook. He answered back with an angry voice. The waitress stomped out to the deck and again came back with more angry words to Hans, both of them speaking loudly, screaming with each other. I thought the waitress would leave but she stayed. But the four over weight people quietly and quickly left the restaurant. They decided that this place was not a good p[lace today. Ugly words were said in loud voices. Drama in the kitchen over heard by us. Eventually we got our dinner, which was delicious. But we were served our meal at 2:45. Ken was famished. It turned out that the new machine for credit cards was not working properly so the waitress was having difficulty having the customers pay their bill. She walked into the kitchen and angrily threw the machine onto the work counter, which made Hans angry. Words were exchanged. It did cross my mind that I could help them with some words to manage their anger. But we just laughed and drank our water. And we four thanked our lucky stars that we do not run a small restaurant. It is not often you get to hear first hand the drama in the kitchen.

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