Friday, July 20, 2018

July 20, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Gathering.

The event was wonderful. Today at lunch was the gathering of the clan. Mary made quiche, Gill brought a huge delicious salad in a most wonderful wooden bowl while Wendy and Clausen brought my favorite pie, strawberry rhubarb pie. My sole contribution was to set the table and to stay out of the kitchen. The food was brought to our home, which made it easier for Ken. The event was to welcome us to Nova Scotia. It was a festive occasion. For a good while it was nip and tuck s to whether or not we could make the journey. But here we are. George our builder came this morning to help with several tasks. He is a skilled carpenter but today he painted a new railing, hammered down two loose boards on the deck and changed lights in the garage. And he put together my cutlery drawer, taken apart by the cleaning folks. In the middle of lunch we heard a bang coming from the basement. WE ALL jumped. Mary and Gill took a flashlight to the basement to investigate while I called George. He came immediately and discovered that two jacks had fallen over. By 4:00, he had installed two new posts and jacks and concrete bases. Our house will not fall down. Darrell came this afternoon to take the furniture to the deck and organize the garage, with me telling him what to do. He did the job in 30 minutes while I have had taken all afternoon. So today was the gathering of our friends and of our workmen who help us survive here in Western Head. Now we are in good order.

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