Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Don and Doreen.

We have had a wonderful day. Don and Doreen arrived last evening, brought to us by Mr. Gaskell. They were quick at the airport. After arriving at 3:55, they walked into our home at 6:20. Pretty good timing. Seeing good friends after a long time is always a pleasure. We talked and talked before having a good nights aleep. The first thing we did after breakfast was to go to Enterprise car rentals. I am trying out a new system. The car rental rates at Halifax airport are high, twice the cost of a rental in Vancouver. So we had our shuttle man bring Don and Doreen, then rent a car from Bridgewater, which is much cheaper. Three weeks car rental in Bridgewater was $900 with a full sized car. Now I need to know what Dave and Irene paid for their three week rental from the airport. Then we will see if we saved money. Wendy took us to Lanes for lunch. They leave on Thursday so that was our last meal together for 2018. the summer has flown by. This afternoon we all took a nap. Ken has his exercises both morning and afternoon. katie is good to make sure he does them twice a day. We sat out on the deck, which was chilly. The weather is changing. Don was so cold he wore one of our coyote vests, which did keep him warm. But when Doreen tried to wear the other one we discovered that the fur was falling apart. Tomorrow I will speak to a furrier in Halifax to see if we could have them repaired. My fleece vest kept me cosy too. Fish chowder was our mystery meal of the day. Perfect for a welcome to Nova Scotia. At lunch today, we commented that very few people we know today also know all our parents. Today was the exception. There is something very nice to have friends we have known for almost 65 years. We are delighted to have Don and Doreen visit us here in Nova Scotia.

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