Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 6, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Update.

Ken walked a whole loop at the walking track today without holding on the anything or anybody. Katie pushed the walker beside him and he walked right along the hand rail. But he did the whole thing by himself. Those who saw him months ago would be surprised to see his progress. Katie was thrilled with his accomplishment. This afternoon they walked to the garden with Ken as usual using the walker., But inside the garden, Ken used a cane so that is the first time he has used the cane since getting ill. Ken walks more laps but today was a first by himself. Last week he walked half way around but today was a milestone both at the arena and in the garden. On the other hand, he has swollen feet and legs and he has cellulitis in his lower legs. He has increased his meds for the water retention and he has started augmenten for the cellulitis, both approved by Ken's doctor in Mississippi. Ken is stronger, no question about that. He is up and down the stairs three or four times a day. Ken walks 4 laps at a time at the walking track, which is about one kilometer. I seem about the same. I am on the week off from Ibrance so my immune system has a chance to recover. I put my legs up every afternoon for an hour. I walk 8 loop[s at the arena with no difficulty. I am still heavy which the Oncologist says is just fine. She does not want to hear about any weight loss. Katie is a big help at home. She does the laundry every few days and she unloads the dishwasher. She changes the bed which I appreciate as making the bed is difficult for me. I often ponder whether or not we were smart to come to Nova Scotia, especially when Ken has health issues. Ken never wavers on that issue. We did the right thing in Ken's op[inion. Of course, time will tell. We have just over a month before we take the commercial flights to St. Paul and then the cruise down the mighty Mississippi. So far, we have done well I think. I am coping well with the limits on our social life. At the moment, our updates are both positive and for that we are grateful. Thanks Be To God.

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