Friday, September 14, 2018

September 14, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Decisions.

Sometimes, small decisions are harder to make than large ones. Today was a perfect example. We moved the table on the deck from the main deck to the glass enclosure for the former hot tub. Our thinking is that we can eat outside if the wind is blowing. So now the table looks ridiculous with no chairs around the table. Also we thought we could get some chairs on sale. Also we leave soon so why spend money to leave the chairs in the garage all winter. On the other hand, we seldomr eat outdoors. Don, Doreen and I decided to look for sales, first in Liverpool, then at Canadian Tire in Bridgewater. But we had problems. If we took the truck, the person in the back seat would be uncomfortable. And the truck has no air conditioning, and today was hot. It if we drove in the comfortable rental car, we would not be able to bring back any chairs. Finally, we decided to leave Don at home with Ken and Katie, while Doreen and I would. Heck out any sale chairs in Liverpool. Don thought that Canadian Tire would have put away their sale chairs long ago. katie tries to find the sales on line to no avail. Doreen and I went to Brady’s Home Hardware. They have no furniture at all. The Super Store had sold all their chairs, as did Home Hardware in town. We struck out. The only thing we bought was extra strength Tylenol for Ken. We five people apent an hour trying to decide what and how to proceed. We changed our minds multiple times. Our decision now is to do nothing right now. If we wish to eat outside we will merely move the chairs from the deck to sit around the table. Our problem is now solved, at least for the moment. These small decisions kind of drive you nuts.

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