Sunday, September 2, 2018

September 2, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Beets.

Who would ever dream of eating beets and fried potatoes for dinner? But when the beets and potatoes come from our own garden and are freshly harvested, they make a meal for a king. Beets were not a favorite for me until we began eating the beets straight out of the garden. Rita was here and we needed instructions from the internet. We had no clue how to cook them. All I know was that beets were often pickled and I did not like them. But we learned to boil them with about one inch of the tops still on. When tender to a fork, we put the beets straight out of the boiling water into a bowl of cold water, where we peeled the skins. The tops and skin roll right off. Then we cut them into a bowl and dabbed them with butter. Much to our surprise, they're delicious. We use the same system now. All we do is wash the beets and cut off the tops. And cook them in a pot covered with water. Even I can cook beets. The potatoes speak for themselves and were also delicious. But the beets made the meal. I never buy beets at the grocery store. I wait until we have them straight out of the garden. Joe is coming tomorrow to harvest the rest of the garden so we will have more beets to eat. Whenever I mention beets to people they always tell me they do not like eating fresh beets. My response is always the same I say,"but you have not tasted our beets straight from the garden. You would love them." Tonight was a perfect Sunday night dinner...beets and potatoes. Fit for a king and Queen.

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