Saturday, November 10, 2018

November 10, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Retiring.

Once upon a time, we just called her Wendy. Now we all call her Wonderful Wendy. Just like speaking of Mary Frances was one name, Wendy's proper name is Wonderful Wendy. Years ago in 1972, Wendy spent a week with us the week we moved into our first home. The boys were 3 and 4 so we had limited time to unpack and organize but we got it done. At the end of the week, Dave and Irene drove from Ontario to have a visit and bring us our china and the one painting we owned. Wendy has been helping us ever since. But she had not yet received her new name. She flew to the farm for a week when we were organizing to sort stuff and have our belonging put into storage. At that time she was even more helpful because Rita was forced to go to the hospital in Cumberland and Wendy spoke to the insurance company. Rita was in great pain, Ian was driving without his hearing aids, so Wendy stepped up to the plate. But she got her new name when she came to unpack our boxes in our new house. From the time she walked in on Thursday evening until she left ten days later Wendy worked. When she left, all boxes had been opened and belongings organized. I have called her Wonderful Wendy ever since. Now she has sprung out in a fresh direction. She is retiring at the end of this month. The company she works for is having yet another merger. She was given the opportunity to apply for a new position or to take a retirement package. It took her a nanosecond to decide. She will retire. And she is excited. I am excited for her but I was surprised. She just made the decision on Wednesday. In true Wendy fashion, my e mail said "I am retiring the end of this month". No warning. Just done. Ken and Anne are planning to retire at the end of 2019. We have talked at length of their plans. We think it is fitting for Wendy to retire before Kenny. After all, she is older. But what about older brother Norman? Congratulations to Wendy. As an added bonus to us, Wendy and friend Ken will visit us in Mexico for three weeks. This will be their first trip during retirement. I bet it will not be their last. Hats off to Wendy.

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