Thursday, November 15, 2018

November 15, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Voices.

When you look at an 81 year old, their look would be very different than a picture of the same person at 18. But if you hear the same person on the phone, their voice would be exactly the same. This past few days I have spoken to three old friends. I instantly recognized their voices even though I had not spoken to them for ages. They also recognized my voice too. It is interesting that everything else changes as we get old, except for our voice. Carol E. called me from work. I had worked with her for 24 years and I miss her spirit but when she called me in the middle of the day I was thrilled. She took the time to call just to say hello. Her voice sounded just the same as ever, at least when I got over the surprise. At first I could not figure out why Carol would call. After all, my sister Carol, who called me regularly, has died. Eventually I figured it out and I was delighted to hear the voice of Carol E. Today I chatted with Denise who I also had worked with for 24 years. I call her and we had a good old chat. She instantly recognized my voice as I did of hers. Nothing has changed in her voice. She sounds just as enthusiastic as ever. I enjoyed that conversation too especially as her Mother also has Parkinson's disease so we shared experiences. And lastly, I had a good old gab fest this evening with my friend Sara Lou. Her voice has not changed a bit in all the years that I have know her, which is a long time. We caught up on our grandchildren and our activities. The best part is that we just pick up where we left off, even though it might have been six months ago. Voices stay the same. These days we text or e mail more than we speak on the phone. But I have enjoyed hearing the voices of my friends. Such a pleasure to hear the same voices.

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