Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. 11 Years Old.

Fine And Dandy was the restaurant selected by Molly to celebrate her 11th birthday. Ken was not able to attend the celebration but we brought food home for both Ken and Kashina so they were not totally left out. The restaurant serves hamburgers but it is a long way from being a burger joint. It is fancy. And Molly likes it, especially the milkshakes which are spectacular. So we celebrated in style. When Kate was 11, Ken and I gave her a shopping spree. Molly remembers hearing about that first shopping trip for Kate at age 11, so when she opened her gift bag from us and discovered the card included a shopping trip she was thrilled. Last Christmas, she accompanied us when we shopped with Kate and Mary Frances and she liked the whole thing so now next Saturday Christina, Molly and I will go shopping at the Renaissance. She already knows what stores we should go to. And she is going through her wardrobe to see what she will want to try on. For the past two years we have done will with our purchases for Kate and Mary Frances with their Christmas shopping because of the sales. There will be no big sales just before Christmas. But we will enjoy ourselves. Kashina will come on Saturday to stay with Ken while we go out and have fun. Molly like all other tall people is tall for 11 years old. She is my height so fitting her will not be easy. She must shop in teenager stores because the children clothes do not fit and often the teen clothes are not appropriate. She has good taste as does Christina so I feel sure she will end up being pleased with her selections. We will then celebrate by going out for lunch. Saturday December the 1st will be the day. She can't wait. Being 11 is exciting.

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