Monday, November 12, 2018

November 12, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. A Day.

First thing I did today was to eat humble pie. Ken sent me an article giving the reasons why educators are using coloring as a method for developing cognitive thinking. Evidently a part of the brain develops better when coloring. And children and adults relax while coloring, which is why adult coloring books are best sellers. So today I sent the article to Christina. The next time I see Molly I must apologize for demeaning coloring. I am merely being old fashioned. Next up on my activities was to accompany Ken to have more skin removed from yet another cancer. To reward ourselves, we ate lunch at Anjou, a wonderful French restaurant. Fortunately I remembered a gift certificate, which expires next month. Then I booked our flights to Mexico. We will stay over in Dallas both ways so we do not wish to take two flights a day. So we are set to leave December 21 and arrive in Puerto Vallarta the next day. We leave February 2, arriving in Jackson on the 3rd. David and Suzanne and the girls arrive on the 26th. Any one who wishes some time in the 80 degrees of Mexico would be welcome from December 31 to January 12. We would welcome your visit to stay in our guest room. Next task for me tomorrow will be to find a helper in Nuevo Vallarta. And perhaps a cook for several days a week. But not today. My day is done.

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