Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 8, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. The Ultra Sound.

Before we left for Canada, the Urologist suggested to Ken that he have an ultra sound of his groin so the appointment was made. But the machine broke. The first appointment was in the university hospital but the second one was to be in the Pavilion, which is much easier for us. But we were not told the time or date. I suspect a letter arrived giving us the date but we missed it. On Tuesday afternoon I received a call alerting me of Ken's appointment on Thursday. I had forgotten all about it but Ken asked me this week is he still needed an ultra sound. My calendars both big and small showed nothing. So today we drove to the Pavilion for Ken to take the test. Kashina drives us. Fortunately she is a good driver. Everything went well. The appointment was at 10:15 so we wanted to leave at 9:30 but we were late leaving. Ken and I set the alarm for 8:00, giving us 90 minutes before walking out the door. Now we know we must allow two hours. The University radiology department if efficient. We arrived on time and we were in the car driving home at 11:00. We were pleased but await the result. While waiting for Ken to take his test, I listened to a conversation between three people. They were sitting on chairs to my left. I could not see them but I clearly heard every word. I had difficulty understanding their words, even though I knew they were speaking English. I also could not tell if they were black, white or hispanic. I asked Keshina if she could tell the difference just by listening their words. She admitted that some times she can and sometimes as she can not but she looked at the three. I had no clue what their racial origin was just by listening. Today I got fooled. In truth, there were two white people and one person of color having a conversation. That Mississippi accent is difficult for me. And I certainly can not tell who they are. The only other observation for me was that I saw several large people today in the Pavilion. Both height and width were impressive. It turned out to be an interesting time during the ultra sound.

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