Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Grandparents' Day.

Molly loves it when both her grandmothers come to Grandparents' Day. It is a special day for her. And I like it too. Her school holds it every year. I have attended three. It is a well attended event with almost 1000 grandparents in attendance. The program is sweet and well organized. Each grade sings a song or two, some religious and some secular. The program is well organized and moves along well. When you first arrived, we are assigned a table of eight, all with other grandparents in the same class as Molly. The eighth graders serve us coffee while we wait. After the program, which lasts 45 minutes, the child comes to the table to escort us to meet her teacher and see the classrooms. Next Linda, Molly and I go out for lunch. The whole morning is a delight. Of course, it helps that the teachers say wonderful things about Molly. We can be proud of our Molly. But I can not stop myself making suggestions if only in my mind. Christ Covenant is a lovely school with a strong mission to partner with parents and grandparents to teach and train the child academically and spiritually. They do a great job but today, all the emphases was on the spiritual, not the academic. I would have liked to hear something about their academic standards. The program is pleasant but the format is the same every year. Absolutely nothing is changed except the songs sung by the children. The format has not varied at all from beginning to end. I understand the success of the day. People love to see their grandchild on stage and clearly the grandparents love it and come every year. I would like to see something new, just to keep me interested. Christ Covenant is a small school, K to 8. This grandparents' day is a major fund raiser for the school and is clearly successful. I saw many envelopes being filled with cheques that were left on the tables. I suppose that when an event is successful there is no reason to alter the program. The school has about 350 students. I need to stop trying to fix things that are not broken. Next year, I will just attend and enjoy. I promise. Molly loved it. That should be enough. Grandparents' Day was delightful. But somehow or another, I just can not stop trying to make it better. And I guess never will.

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