Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 4, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Time.

Time has always been important to me. The first day of our trip down the Grand Canyon our guide urged us all to remove our watches. "We will be regulated by the sun, so you have no need to pay attention to the time of the day. We will get up with the sun, we will eat lunch when the sun is high and we will retire for the night when it is dark". Everyone did as they were told...except for me. I kept my watch on the whole time. I am more comfortable knowing the time and I would have been very uncomfortable removing my watch. If you ask me how I tell the time of the day, I would tell you that I use my wrist watch. But I would be wrong. Today we met Christina and the girls for brunch. We all arrived at the same time at 11:15. Near the end of the meal, Ken asked me for the time and I gave it to him. Kate corrected me and said that we turned the clocks back last night so my watch was wrong. Up until then, I had no clue that we should have moved the clocks back, so I was surprised. No one had mentioned it to me and I do not watch TV news. I was amazed that we arrived at the restaurant at the right time. Then I realized that I am using my cell phone to tell time. The first thing I do every morning is put on my watch but evidently I do not look at it. The whole morning, I was using the corrected time on my cell phone, which of course, is done automatically. Thank heavens for cell phones. I could have missed brunch.

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