Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. My List.

Christmas is coming and my list is long. We go to Mexico and my list is long. If I am not careful I become anxious. Last evening Ken just told me he was feeling good and he asked about me. So I told him about my long list and my anxiety, which made him not feel so good. I should keep my issues to myself. Today I made progress with my list. Today, Keshina dropped me off at the Dollar Store so I could shop to fill the bags for the grandchildren. Next, back home, I filled small bags for the Texas family. And we took the five bags to the PacMail store. I love that place. They package up the items to ship, all in a safe and secure way. Then they send the box via a courier. On Wednesday we took camera equipment to them to be shipped to Samantha. Ken no longer is able to use his fancy cameras and lens so we sent everything to Samantha, who it turns out is a wonderful photographer. The PacMail protected the objects where I would have trouble. No fuss or muss. They measure and weigh the object. I pay them, and I leave. The whole thing takes 5 minutes of my time. Wonderful service. Actually, it might be called MailPac. Every time I use their services I feel I should hug their neck. Now I must organize the Mississippi family bags. But I discovered today that I have nothing to give to Christina or Molly. Oops. My list just got longer. Today I made an appointment for Ken to have his hair cut and beard trimmed. And I again texted Adrianna in Mexico who is our contact to get helpers for us. And I need to ask her to find us a bed rail. My list includes refilling our medications for our 6 weeks in Mexico. And I must organize our clothes. We have clothes in our locker at the condo but I have no idea what we left for Ken. We do not wish to check baggage so we must pack light, using only our small carry on bags, which in Ken's bag is half full of medicines. I must confirm the number for our party on December 8 and take a cheque to the yacht club. So I am making progress. And the next time I will keep my list to myself. I overwhelmed Ken which serves no purpose. I am feeling better about my list.

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