Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009. Bethesda, Md. Rain.

It is going to rain all day. It was raining when I woke up and it is expected to rain until well into Saturday. I hear complaints from everyone about the traffic from everyone to whom I speak. I am interested with the response to rain. Typically, people don't like rain. For many reasons, I am sure, but the reality is that we need rain, in fact at the farm we are short of rain so we will be pleased to have the rain if we are lucky eough to have the rain fall in Pennsylvania. Texas is still in drought conditions. We had a bit of rain at the ranch but not enough for the grass to grow long enough to feed the cattle, so now we are required to feed the cattle with hay. Texans today would love some rain in any amount, but in Maryland we always complain about the rain, even though we need the rain too.

But not me. I love rainy days, perhaps because I grew up in Vancouver where the rains come frequently with a slow patter, day after day. I learned to ignore the weather. Now I embrace the rain and if I am not at work, I stay indoors and read a good book. Rainy days are perfect to curl up with a book and drink a cup of tea. It is a perfect time to indulge myself and ignore the trip to the grocery store. If you do have appointments, you must allow yourself extra time. Two folks who had appointments with me today called to say they were late due to the traffic. Now, we all know, that in the Washington area, any rain or sleet or snow slows traffic to a crawl, which it means your drive will take twice as long getting from here to there. I am a hard lady and reminded these good folks of that fact and suggested that next time they have an appointment in the rain, allow extra time be to be on time. Rather than complaining and apologizing for the rain, start embracing this wonderful rain, and start out earlier in the day.

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