Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28, 2009. Western Head, N.S. Cocktails.

It is such a misnomer, the cocktail party. All we ever serve is wine, sodas and water with an occasional glass of scotch., but we still it the cocktail hour. Even if we are not dining together, we always have cocktails together in someones home. Tonight it was at the Mitchell's home. As is our habit, the event was lively, with discussions about the daily activities of each of us and the activities in the town. The event does not last a long time. We were home just after seven, but a new topic is always popping up. Bev thinks out custom is just splendid and she has decided to institute the practice in Vancouver. It is so much easier to have a casual cocktail party than to give a whole dinner party.

Last evening at our home we all had dinner together to say goodbye to Carol and Ken, who left this morning. Before dinner we got onto the topic of burial and cremation. Tonight Mary related the story of her great uncle who was buried in the Family plot at the Mausoleum in Philadelphia. When her Father's remains were placed into the vault, it was determined that his mistress was buried alongside him, in the same vault, but no name except him was on the label. Now how did this happen? We will never know and neither will Mary. Mary and her sister are the oldest people in their family and neither of them know the answer.

I think we should rename the event from a cocktail party, but I can not come up with a suitable name. Ane suggestions?

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

We call ours "wine and nibbles". Irene B.