Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 15, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Spur of the Moment.

I love spur of the moment events.  I wonder why?  Now I love the planning and the inviting and the implementing of an event,  and I know that nothing happens unless a plan is made and carried out.  But the spur of the moment events are often the most enjoyable.

The last Sunday we were  in Nova Scotia, Mary and Walt drive by to see if we wanted to drive with them to Mahone Bay for lunch.  It was late and we were just saying goodbye to Betty and Vinal when up drove the car.  Of course we were delighted to go to Mahone Bay for lunch and promptly jumped in their car for the thirty minute drive for lunch and proceeded to chatter away all the way there and all through lunch and then home.  We ate at the Inlet Inn which is our favorite restaurant in Mahone Bay.  It was an unexpected pleasure and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Today, Sarah was presenting an offer on her listing late this afternoon, using the conference room right adjacent to my office.  Before her clients arrived, she asked  if Ken and I could go out to dinner with Andy and her.  After a call to Ken,  I accepted,  so after she had completed her task and presented the offer, countered the offer and then had the offer accepted by the buyers, Sarah and Andy picked us up at our apartment and we headed to Friendship Heights and to a new restaurant,"Mei Wah".  The food was great, much better than at our Chinese restaurants in Hagerstown, and the conversation was fast and furious, as we tried to catch up on a whole summer of events.  When we were home at the end of July, they were in Michigan so we had not had dinner with them since June, so we had a lot to catch up with.  But the best part was the unexpected pleasure that arrived all of a sudden.  It was fun and festive and none of us had to prepare a thing except pay the bill.  Normally we just split the bill.  It is so much easier.

Spur of the moment events do not mean I can not plan to invite dinner guests to our home, but I do enjoy the spontaneous nature of the meal.  I will try to include more of such events in the future.

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