Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 5, 2009. Western Head. Lazy Days.

I still can't believe that I did very little the past two days than read while sitting on the deck at the cottage.   Ken and I arrived  mid morning and while Ken fished from the Poke boat, I sat and read my book.  I just started "The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor",  by Sally Armstrong.  I have been reading the new book about the writing of the Constitution, but yesterday I dove into this new book and I am loving it.  I swam for half and hour, and I made lunch for the two of us, and I slept soundly for an hour in the late afternoon.  Then it was back to my station on the deck right beside the water.  The weather was wonderful, just the way the weather should be at the cottage.  Finally Ken brought wine down to the deck and we stayed until almost dark.  An osprey flew overhead, making smaller and smaller circles as he descended.  Then finally he swooped down with his feet and caught the fish, but he was never able to take off with his prey, so we watched him as he swam along with the current until we lost sight of him.  The loons were calling to each other as the sun went down.  It was a wonderful evening.  It was so late that we never did eat dinner.  Ken heated us some milk before going to bed.  Can you believe that we are so old that we drink warm milk before going to bed?  Wonders never cease.

Today was more of the same at the cottage.  Ken fished while I read my book,  all morning and half the afternoon.  No company, and no visitors makes for a quiet time.  I at least made lunch for Ken, but the rest of the day I did nothing but watch the lake and read my book.    This is a holiday weekend and by mid-afternoon today, three Seadoos  were scooting around and making a loud noise, but fortunately we had to head for home.  This was the first time we have heard or seen these noisy beasts out on the lake and I hope they are the last.   Two ducks visited me several times.  They seem totally unafraid of humans.  They sat on the ramp preening their feathers for almost thirty minutes, then tucked their neck around into their back and took a nap, with Ken close-by in the kayak.  The rabbits just sit and look at you while you walk past them, and the chipmunk cames right onto the deck while we sit there eating lunch.  Amazing.

That is my two lazy days at the cottage.  It is a bit like taking a nap.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing, spending two days doing nothing productive?  That is the question.

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

It's called R. & R. After several weeks of company, entertaining, and "weather related events", it was time. Irene B.