Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27, 2009. Western Head, N.S. Beverley.

Beverley and I were Girl Guides together in Vancouver. We were fast friend then and we are fast friends now. It is such a pleasure to have a friend who knew you well when you were thirteen and still likes to spend time with you now that you are over seventy. It is a bit surprising too as she has continued to live in Vancouver while I moved to Toronto in 1953 and have lived in Texas, then Maryland. Tonight we were calculating the number of times we have seen each other since 1953 and we came up with quite a small number. But we wrote letters and we phoned and about eighteen years ago she visited us and visited me at work. She read my agent handbook, and suggested, not too gently, that perhaps it could be better. I challenged her to return and give me suggestions, which she did. She went through every word, making suggestions and forced me to write the introduction and a statement of our purpose, which ultimately made the handbook much more useful. Because we are such good friends, she will tell me what needs to be done and how, without causing hurt feelings. Her background, education and expertise was invaluable.

We both became teachers but after the children and graduate school, I turned to real estate for my career while she stayed in education, climbing up the ladder to the top. Perhaps that was one reason we stayed friends. She hassles me, telling me I am too bossy, and every so often she retreats to the carriage house in the middle of the day for a bit of peace and quiet. But we have fun together and I am always happy when she comes to visit. It is a long way from the west coast to the east coast, so one day soon Ken and I must go west, but not this year.

Beverley commented that all though she has only been here five days, she has had more social events here than the past six months in Vancouver. She has always been single and lives alone, so our life here is hectic and certainly very social. I think she will be ready for a rest when she gets home. Tonight we had dinner here for nine guests and tomorrow we have cocktails at the Mitchell's. But she and I have a bond and will be there until the end. She is one of the blessings in my life.

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