Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009. Western Head, N.S. Busy.

The days are full from morning to night. I am not reading at all and I was unable to write my web log yesterday, all because I am so busy talking. Carol and Ken have been here since just after Labor Day but they stayed an extra week to visit with us. My friend Beverley arrived on Wednesday from Vancouver, not only to see more of Nova Scotia but also to visit with us, so between my relatives and my friend I am as busy as a bee just talking and listening. It has been a pleasure with more to come.

Yesterday after lunch here at home, Ken and Bev and I drove to The Canadian Tire store in Bridgewater. We returned home along the Lehave River, taking the ferry to the other side before driving home on the shore road. I have enjoyed that road many times and it always charms me. Beverley loved the drive. The look is totally different than on the west coast. One obvious difference is the architecture. Nova Scotia was settled many long years ago, actually 400 years, while British Columbia was settled by Europeans in the mid Nineteenth Century, so the whole look of the place is different and charming.

We checked out the cottage this morning, but it rained hard so we discovered that the wee cottage is cosy in the wind and rain. After a late lunch we drove right along side the Medway River along a dirt road, again a very lovely drive which Beverley enjoyed. Tonight we dined at Lane's Privateer Inn with Mary and Clifton and the five of us. So my days have been busy and pleasant. It doesn't get much better than this.

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