Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. HOME AGAIN.

Ken is still opening mail while I am all ready for the week.  After feeling smug and complacent, I discovered that I had forgotten the twins birthdays.  The day came and went with nothing from their grandmother to note the day.  No cards, no flowers, no gifts, no calls.  What a bad grandmother I am.  Ken even has the date on his computer, but obviously we were not paying attention to the computer.  

I called Suzanne and David to tell them we were at home, and after conversing with Suzanne and getting an update on the lake, where the water is very very low, I spoke to each girl in order.  Allison told me with her voice full of excitement  that she had her ears pierced for her birthday.  Dead silence on my end of the phone.  Oh my goodness, I forgot.  But all is not lost.  Their birthday party is being held this weekend so I can send flowers and then figure out what to send them for their birthday.   We gave a painting to Sarah for her last birthday, so I must ask Suzanne what they need or would want.

The only thing I know is that I do not give toys.  For good or ill, I give them books or clothes or art.  I once got a clever idea to give a set of dishes to the girls, so by the time they were ready for their own apartment, they would have a nifty set of nice dishes, all their own.  It started when I saw a pattern called "Sarah's Garden", which I bought and gave to Sarah a few pieces at a time.  It seemed unfair to eliminate the other girls, so I started the practice for Abigail, Kate and Mary Frances.  The only problem is that the Mothers are required to store these stupid dishes, so what seemed to be a good idea ended up a bit of a nuisance.  The dished are great and the girls like them a lot, but for now they are stored away.  I have not started the custom for the twins.  It seemed a good idea at the time.

Now we are home in our little nest in Chevy Chase.  It took us almost two hours to get home due to construction on the Beltway.  Welcome home indeed.

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