Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21, 2013. Jackson, MS. Solstice.

Yesterday was the day when night was equal to day.   It is interesting to me that in the modern world, we never really notice the number of hours of daylight.   We notice going to work in the dark during winter months and we like the late daylight when the clock spring forward for day light savings, but unless we look at the calendar, we are not aware of the changing hours in the day and night.

The Mayans paid a lot of attention.   When you visit their ruins, you see that the edges of the huge pyramids are lined up for the days of the solstice.   And the under ground room with a statute of a cougar in the center is only reached by sunlight on the longest day of the year, the summer solstice.  They must have paid a lot more attention to the seasons than we do.  And how did those edges line up with the sun?  It was very impressive to know the level of understanding for the buildings to be engineered just right.

Our life is very different to those Mayans of many years ago but the seasons do not change.  We just don't notice them so much.

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