Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 18, 2014. Ridgeland, MS. PET Scan.

The test was a very fancy test. Lots of instructions about what to eat the day before and lots of time taking the test. And not really too uncomfortable. Nucleur medicine at it's best. The test was completed at 1:30 and by 4:00 I had a call from the Oncologist giving me a report. The report says that I have cancer cells in my bones, especially the spine and pelvis, along with cancer cells in the lymph nodes. No cancer cells in the liver or kidney. This does not come as a big surprise to me. I have felt for quite awhile that I had a dread disease, so this conforms my suspicions. Tomorrow at 8:00 I will meet with the Oncologist who will determine treatment. Immediately I will begin IV chemotherapy. Ken has always said that we will play the cards we have been dealt, without fussing or complaining, so that is what we will do. And along the way we will look for some gold on the path.

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