Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014. Nuevo Vallarta. Toys That Work.

Ken has trouble with his ears. Mostly they are full of goop, due to infection, which keeps the sound from accessing the technical components of his ears, so may times he can not hear well. The infections come and go, so sometimes he can hear well and sometimes he can not. Several years ago, I convinced him to get a hearing aid, so he visited an ENT physician. When he came home, he was smiling. His hearing was fine and a hearing aid will not help his hearing. But now he has a new toy. He read about the device and ordered it immediately. The toy has two parts. One tiny microphone and one ear piece receiver. He sits the microphone in front of the TV, and the ear piece hears what ever is being said. Now we watch TV with a low level of decibels. It is amazing. Patience was needed to get the thing to stop chirping, in fact I did not know what he was doing with these bird sounds coming from his chair. Much to Ken's surprise, the toy actually works. The only down side is the battery. Only a two hours of life before it quits. But it is a nifty bit of high tech equipment.

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