Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27, 2014. Nurvo Vallarta, Mexico. The Children.

You almost never hearing Mexican children or babies cry. I always forget that fact when we are not here. Then we return. Today when we were checking into the Time Share/Hotel I observed a Mexican family. Ken was doing the details while I was sitting watching this group while they were waiting for their rooms to be ready. I was far enough that they had no clue I was watching them, nor could I hear their words clearly, but the whole time I watched gave me a short course in why children don't cry in Mexico. The first activity that caught my eye was when a young boy, who was around ten, was carrying and playing with a toddler. The youngster could not walk unassisted. The older boy was singing to him and taking him around to look at the fountains and flowers. The Mexican family had multi generations. There seemed to be four children and one set of parents, along with two sets of grandparents. While I watched, everyone took turns looking after the younger children. The children were taken for a walk or given something to eat. No cross words were spoken. Everyone seemed pleased to be playing with the children. I figured out that having many grandparents is a help when minding children. And loving the children helps too. But it is certainly true that babies and children don't cry much in Mexico. It is quite astonishing.

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