Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Pat and Tom.

Something good comes from everything.  Often time passes before the gold appears.  Last week, Ken and I spent a delightful day with Pat and Tom.  They came for lunch, we sat by the pool and chatted, then we ate dinner, all at our own Hard Resort Hotel.   They are interested in a lot of things and we enjoy their company.  They are friends of Gill and both still live in Toronto.  It is a miracle we are friends as we have never spent much time with them, having never lived in Toronto when they lived there.

Alan Wu died in 1981.   Mary M. and I flew up to help.  Gill and Alan's boys were young, and Alan's brothers were being difficult so Mary and I were needed.  Friends and neighbors helped as well, bringing food and stopping by each day.  Pat was one of those friends who was a down the street neighbor who stopped in several times each day, taking the boys for trips and keeping them busy.  She was a cheerful and helpful soul and we had a good time together during these difficult times.  I do not recall meeting Tom but I must have met him over the same time period.  The ladies bonded and we have felt like friends ever since.

Pat and Tom came to Nova Scotia one summer and we rekindled our friendship but when we four began spending time in Puerto Vallarta we were able to spend more time together.  We have lunch a couple of times each time we are both in PV.  And we enjoy those visits.  This all started when Mary and I flew to Toronto for a week to help Gill.   I found a friend in Pat.

1 comment:

Mostly Mosaics by Martha said...

It sounds like you are both doing well. We just got back from North Carolina. And, are hoping to go to Williamsburg in the spring. Dale's daughter, Alana and her husband, are on their way to Amsterdam. She has been so excited - I think other than living for a year in Saskatoon (?sp.) and taking a cruise on their honeymoon - she has never traveled overseas. Jeff has business all over the world - but this is her first trip!