Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Old. Old. Old.

Today at lunch, we have both been designated as old.   It is obvious to everyone that Ken and I are old.  We walked down to one of the restaurants next to the beach.  Ken used the walker to curve around the building on the ramp while I walked up the stairs to find a table.  As I was walking to a table I was doing my usual tactic which was to use the chair backs to wend my way across the room.  I little girl about 8 ran up to her mother just as I was walking past.  Fortunately I saw her and stopped because,  had she run into me, she could have knocked me down.  Her mother apologized to me as did the little girl.  They both have noticed the look on my face.   I was fine and told them both that all was well but when I went to the buffet area the girl and her older brother came over to help me carry my food back to my table.

The children and their parents  had decided that Ken and I were old so they waited for us so they could carry our food and beverages back to our table.   I tried to figure out why they thought we were so old?  It was me they noticed first.   It must have been my gait.  I kind of lurch along never walking in a straight line.  And my hair is bizarre.  It sticks up in all directions.   Other than that, I seemed to look normal.  Ken using the walker is a sure give away.  Also neither of us move quickly so when you look carefully, that family decided we were old and needed help.

Since I have gotten old, I have gotten much better at asking for help, which is another sign of old age.  In the restaurants I ask the waiters if I can hold their arm while walking across the room.  And if the stairs have no railing I always seek a helper.  Actually, I am happy to be old.  Neither my mother or father made it to our age.  But I would like to not advertise the fact that we are old.  But now we are officially old to all to see.  I must get used to it.

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