Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 24, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. The Walk.

We four went for a walk.  Our goal was to walk to the Market for lunch and then walk back.  In the past, there was no problem, but this year there was only one able bodied person in our group so the walk was a bit of a stretch to our abilities.  But we did it although we must have looked odd.

I was in the lead as it is easier for me to walk a bit faster.   My neuropathy legs make me unstable so I can not walk in a straight line and I don't really know where the ground is, so I look a bit drunk.  But I can walk fairly quickly.  Next behind is Ken, using his walker and coming slowly.  Behind him is Ian pushing Rita in the wheelchair.   The wheelchair is old so is not easy to push so extra effort is required to keep it going.  We were quite a sight, all stretched out in a row.

The first thing we did upon arrival at the Mall was to visit the dentist.  All four of us booked appointments to have our teeth cleaned.  Ken and I have been having our teeth cleaned in Nuevo Vallarta for years.  Last year I was unable to have any work done but this year I am up to the task.  The dentist is excellent and much cheaper than in the US or Canada so all four of us will have our teeth cleaned.  Next we ate lunch, which was the purpose of our walk.  Lunch was delicious.  Normally, I do not like to walk after eating but we walk at a slow speed which does not interfere with digestion, so we headed home immediately.

I was delighted to find that we made it there and back with no trauma.  This was our first long walk of the season, with the halt and the lame on parade.  Today we never left the condo but rested our joints.

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