Saturday, January 9, 2016

January 9, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Wonderful Wendy.

The journey was long but finally she made it here.  The itinerary should have gotten her to Puerto Vallarta at 2:30 but in Toronto the plane started to fall apart.   The repairs were made but when the plane was going out to take off, strange lights began going on in the cockpit so back they went to the terminal.  The plan was to be a direct flight on Air Canada from Toronto which sounded perfect.  Finally, they took off and arrived in Puerto Vallarta at 7:00.  She finally joined us at dinner in the Asian restaurant so all is well.

Friend Ken had an easier travel day on American Airlines.  His plan was to fly from Detroit to Chicago, then on to Puerto Vallarta.  He left and arrived on time.  The problem for him was the airport here.  It was a zoo.  Many large planes had arrived at the same time so immigration, customs and luggage were crowded.  And he found the Hard Rock Hotel transportation but somehow or other they could not find his name on the list.  Being resourceful, he took a cab.

Now we four are all in our places.  And we certainly have sun shining faces.  Ken and I are delighted to have our Wonderful Wendy and friend Ken spend a week with is at the Hard Rock Hotel.  And Wendy brought us butter tarts, which she made all by herself, carrying them in her carry on.   She knows we love them.  It is just another way we call her Wonderful Wendy.

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