Thursday, August 10, 2017

August 10, 2017. Pleasantfield, Nova Scotia. Heather and Ross.

Talking to Heather and Ross makes coming to Nova Scotia worth every penny.  They were born and raised in Liverpool and their accents are delightful.  Late this afternoon they walked across the street to say hello, saying that they would only stay five minutes.  But both Ken and I enjoy listening to their accent so we kept them talking on and on.  They finally left after 90 minutes of conversation.

They live in Milton but own a cottage across the street from us.  They have always used the public dock and beach four lots over but we encouraged them to use our beach and boat ramp.  Their grandchildren love our dock and raft.  We like people to use the place as acivity is a good thing in a house that is mostly empty.  Ross cuts the grass and Heather cleans our little cottage.  We used to pay them but now they are using our facility so much they will not charge us.  Nice neighbors.

Last year, Heather and Ross brought us a strawberry rhubarb pie to our ocean house.  By the time they had not yet left our yard, I was eating a piece.  This week, Heather sent over a peach pie which was also delicious.  In fact, Ken and I were just finishing our last piece of pie when they came over.  Of course, they had just finished dinner while we were just eating a snack.  They thought we were  eating dessert.

Heather and Ross are good people.  And their accents are unusual and charming.    When Graham met Ross when he brought the pie, Graham asked about the accent, thinking that Ross was from some far away place.  But no.  They both have lived their whole life in Milton and Liverpool.  They speak as the locals speak.  We love it..  

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