Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 27, 2017. Pleasantfield, Nova Scotia. 59th Anniversary.

For several years in a row after we married, Ken and I were on our way home from our summer jobs so we would arrive home without noticing that we had both forgotten Ken's birthday along with our anniversary.  So it became a habit not to make a big deal with either events.  Eventually, we decided that was foolishness so we began to celebrate both.  This year we have regressed back to our former life.  On Ken's birthday, Alice Anne, Ken and I went to dinner at Paul's Bistro in Liverpool but that was because it was the last supper for Alice Anne.  Today we did nothing special to celebrate our 59th anniversary.  And we were perfectly happy.

The most interesting aspect of the whole day is that no one called or e mailed to wish us a Happy Anniversary.   Ken and I forgot too, until mid afternoon.  Eventually I called David and Suzanne so the could tell us greetings.  Near the end of August is an odd time to remember an anniversary so we totally understand.

Next year will be our 60th but instead of having a big party for our friends and relatives, Ken and I are being selfish and will take a cruise all the way down the Mississippi River.  I had many suggestions for a big party on the 60th but everything I brought out was shot down so I finally gave up.  This year, we are celebrating together at the cottage and next year we will also be together but on the Mississippi River.   We will be perfectly happy next year too.

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