Friday, August 4, 2017

August 4, 2017. Western Head. The Guest House.

Ken and I are grateful for our guest house.  It has allowed friends and relatives to visit with us yet be private too.  We have just spent a week with my nephew Norm and his wife Diane.  They are busy people and we have never been able to spend much time with them but with the guest house, they were comfortable to visit with us but also have a good rest.  We saw them for lunch and dinner and talked long and hard.  We thoroughly enjoyed their visit.  I feel sure they would not have come without our guest house.

Having guest just 100 yard down the road from us makes life easy for everyone.  Dave and Irene stayed in the guest house this year for three weeks.  Again, they enjoyed their privacy but also visited with us for lunch and dinner.  Now our good friends Ann and Graham have just arrived and will stay in the guest house.  Ann is an artist and I feel sure will sketch from the deck.  I am so pleased that our friends and relatives are able to enjoy Nova Scotia as well as visit with us.  We did a good thing when we built the guest house.

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