Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8, 2017. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Ann and Graham.

Today at noon, Ann and Graham treated us at White Point Resort.  The four ladies were original Picnic Group members in the early 1970's and we have been fast friends ever since.  Ann and Graham live in Durango so we do not see them often but when we do get together it as though we have never been apart.  Graham has retired from his Oncology practice but Ann still paints most wonderful pieces, at least she does whenever she has the time.

They are busy people.  In Durango Graham bikes regularly and he goes skiing every day when there is enough snow, which is all winter.  They have four children so visiting them regularly is almost a full time job in itself.  They are also active in their Unitarian Church.  The most important aspect of their life is their enthusiasm and their love for their family and friends.  That has never changed over the years which is why we are such good friends.  We have not seen them since our 55th anniversary at the ranch in Texas so Ken and I were delighted when they decided to visit us in Nova Scotia.  Tomorrow, Graham will sail with Mary while Ann will sketch and visit galleries in town.    They are enjoying the privacy of. the Guest House along with the beautiful view.  We are pleased they are visiting us along with our friends.  Seems like old times back in Bethesda.

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