Sunday, August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Alice Anne.

Her arrival was to be 6:30 in Halifax and she was not wanting to drive to Liverpool partly in the dark so Alice Anne decided to stay overnight.  But she left it to the last minutes.  Expedia said all motels close to the airport were full but one room remained which was at St. Vincent University in Bedford.   She was to share a bathroom.  The cost was $27.  She booked it.

After she cleared customs and got her rental car, it was dusk.  She plugged the address into the GPS in the car and headed out.  She missed a road or two but finally arrived at the correct address, which was the address of the main building of the university.   There was not a soul in sight so she drove around the campus and finally found a young man, who quickly pulled up the dorm room on his phone who then gave her directions.  All was well but by then it was pitch black.  The room was fine, especially for the price.  Clever for these universities to rent the dorms when the university is closed for the summer.

This is the third time A.A has visited us in Nova Scotia but she was confused with the signs from Halifax.  She thought she was going to the south shore but the sign said 103 was going west.  Unfortunately, Nova Scotia sets at an angle.  After a stop or two to be sure she was on the correct road, she arrived at our home at 10:00.  I was not even downstairs so the poor lady had no one to greet her except Ken who was having breakfast in the kitchen wearing his night shirt and who did not hear her knock.  She had to phone me to say she was on the deck.  

We are delighted  she is here.  Unfortunately the fog descended just as she arrived.  Sunny days are surely ahead.

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