Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2, 2020. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Lavender Oil.

Recently I read a small essay on the virtue and value of lavender oil. Just thinking of it reminded me of the time when Ken was ill in Mexico. Ken was home in the condo but he was weak and needed 24 hour care. The nurses worked 12 hour shifts with young med working at night. Ken struggled with pains in his legs so the head of the nurses suggested that she bring a bottle of lavender oil which could be used to massage Ken's legs before bedtime. She also thought that just having the smell of lavender in the bedroom would help Ken sleep. The bottle she brought was tiny, about 2 inches high, but it lasted the whole time we were there. I can still recall the wonderful scent in the room. Every evening, the male nurse , the one who worked most of the time, would massage Ken's legs and back with the lavender oil. He did it every evening. And he kept it up for a long time. Ken loved it and somehow Ken slept better. This young man was helpful in every way possible. Ken did not even need to ask. And of course, the scent permeated the bedroom so I benefitted from it too. Even thoiugh the three months in Mexico were difficult, there were times that gave great pleasure during those anxious times. One was remembering the leg massages using lavender oil. When we were home in Mississippi, Ken often wished for the massages with lavender oil. But we did not have a strong, willing young nurse to administer the treatment. Ken appreciated every massage.

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