Monday, September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020. San Antonio, Texas. Diving For Treasure.

Suzanne keeps a wonderful array of food in her refrigerator. When I am ready for lunch, I have everything in the fridge at my disposal to eat. Suzanne has given me those instructions. When I am visiting, David comes home for lunch and he dives for lunch too but he knows what is in the fridge so immediately takes what he wants, while I muct check out everything. I have a wonderful time. I spotted smoked salmon that David has smoked on Friday. We ate it for my dinner on Friday night. Also I found lots of left over Texas barbecue that we ate for dinner on Saturday. And David made delicious poppers for dinner on Sunday and I found some of them. Marvelous cheeses I found too along with lots of fruit. Therte are wonderful foods to be found in that fridge. For lunch today I ate smoked salmon, leftover mashed potatoes and broccoli along with one barbecued rib. It was delicious and I enjoyed every bite. I am already salivating about lunch tomorrow. I think I will eat more of the salmon along with the leftover brussel sprouts and coliflower that Suzanne stir fried tonight for dinner. And I might just eat another rib. Diving into someones refrigerator is very satisfying. Suzanne's fridge is much more interesting than mine. And whoopee. I will be here for two weeks so every day I can dig a little deeper into the fridge. I am fortunate to have such an aggreable daughter in law. And I am also grateful for her well stocked fridge. I have great fun diving for treasure into Suzanne's fridge.

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