Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 26, 2020. San Antonio, Texas. Traveling Safely.

Before any passender boards the plan, the staff wipes down the arms and the little tables at each chair. The whole plane is misted with disinfectant kincluding all the chairs. The bathrooms are scrubbed thoroughly before every flight. And now there is a four times filtering of the air. In the olden pre covid era, we always suggested that when travelling by plane, it was difficult to avoid getting a cold or an infection. But now the air is exchanged every hour, I am told in addition to all the other precautions. Every passenger also wears a mask as does the staff. In the years when I was flying when I was taking chemotherapy and my immune system was not good, I wore a mask to ward off infections. Now everyone else does the same which is better for me. It is my guess that flying by planes now is safer than it ever has been, at least from the health issue. The problem is that no one wants to fly anywhere in addition to the borders being closed. Friend Walt sent me an e mail this week telling me the countries you could accept you as a visitor. The list is actually quite long, most of them places you would not wish to travel. But the first one was Aruba which is a charming small island in the Caribbean. Now that is a place worth visiting. And you could fly safely.

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