Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20, 2010. Jackson, Ms. A Good Day.

It didn't start out well. Yesterday, after breakfast in our condo, I went to my favorite grocery store, and discovered to my horror that the wonderful store was closed. The last time we were here I mentioned to Ken that this grocery store was too good to be true, because the store was never crowded even though the store was as good a store than you could find, even in Texas. Now it has been sold and will re-open next week. But I found another store almost as good, just not so close to home.

Next, Ken and I went to lunch with Andrew, Kate and Mary Frances at a new restaurant, The Pan Asian, chosen by me because it was right next to the V.I.P. nail place. Christina kept Molly home as she had a cold. It was the first time the girls had even had a pedicure so they were excited. You should have seen the three of us sitting side by side feeling like queens with our feet being attended to, all at the same time. Ken picked us up and we went home to our place for tea and cookies. Finally home to Andrew and Christina's for dinner, followed by basketball. It was indeed, a good day!!

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