Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010. Mexico. The Weekend.

Joyce and Robbie left for home on Saturday. We will miss them. I like to look down to see them drinking coffee on their balcony early in the morning. And of course we enjoy the outings. We have been here together for a week. Now they are home in Texas. Friday evening when they came to our place for dinner they brought all their left over food to donate to our larder. Now we are set for food for the rest of our stay.

Saturday and Sunday was a difficult day with the Internet. The system was not working most of the time. It is astonishing how dependent we are on the Internet. All our communications, our accounting, our scheduling, all done using the computer and the Internet. This afternoon it was finally up and running. Thank heavens.

Ken and I spent all our time in the apartment, never stepping outside to walk or swim. A sailing regatta was being staged on the bay, so we watched all the sail boats competing to win the races from the comfort of our balcony. There were two classes, big and small boats. The large boats were further out to sea but still visible with the naked eye, while the small boats were closer to shore. It was a big deal, with Mexican Coast Guard boats monitoring the event. I counted at least fifty small boats divided into two groups, with thirty or so large boats. While we were not watching we were reading. It was a great lazy weekend, only made irritating by the lack of the Internet.

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