Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010. Jackson, Ms. Measuring.

Today was the day of recording the heights. After dinner tonight, we all got measured. It is interesting, because as the girls are growing, Ken and I are shrinking while Christina and Andrew are staying the same. So here is the height for today: Kate - sixty nine and three quarter inches. Mary Frances - sixty and one half inches. Christina - seventy and one half inches. Ken - seventy and one quarter inches. Ruth - sixty seven and one quarter inches. Kate is 13, Mary Frances 10, Christina 41, Ken 73 and Ruth 72. Molly was already asleep, and Andrew was at a meeting, so we must measure them another day. Christina has promised to let me know their height so I can add to the chart.

In Texas at the Lake House, we have marked the post in the children's room, with one child on each side of the post, so once a year, we mark the height, than compare and contrast the children with each other. This is the first time we have charted the adults. Definitely, I have shrunk the most although Ken is down a bit. Christina is the same and I expect Andrew is too. The two girls seem to have grown as we watched. Kate is trying hard to beat her Mother's height so she is eating a healthy diet, trying to grow some more. Her Pediatrician suggested to her that she might be full grown now. Kate was not pleased and told her Mother that that Doctor was wrong!! It is fun measuring the progress in both directions. I'm thinking that by the time I get to ninety, I'll be sixty inches tall. Amazing.

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