Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 27, 2010. Artemas, Pa. The Farm&Friends.

All the snow is gone and the grass is coming up. The snow did a lot of damage to the bushes and shrubs, but on the whole, the farm looks wonderful. Lots and lots of calves sticking close to their Mothers but also looking like calves, leaping in the air for no apparent reason. This afternoon we took a drive around the whole farm on the gator, just checking the fields and the woods and the fences. The day was chilly but gloriously sunny, so with warm clothes, the drive was a pleasure.

A pair of Canada Geese have arrived and are checking out the pond. They strut around the whole pond and prance down to the cattle to do I do not know, but so far, they have made no nest. It is impossible for me to determine if these geese are the same as last year, as they all look the same to me. But I am happy they have returned to our small pond, and only wish they would make their nest in a better spot that is not so visible. I tell them, but they don't seem to heed my instructions.

On the drive we flushed about thirty wild turkeys, who fly away in front of you, close to the ground, then retreat into the woods, where you can never see them again. Nine large deer ran across the field right in front of us, along with two fawns. One deer was slow to cross and got stuck on the side of the field, wanting to cross to the others but too close for comfort to us, so she finally ran down the field ahead of us and jumped the fence. It is quite a sight. The robins are back, at least some of them, and the crows are big and noisy. The farm looks great and once again, everything was in good working order. Our friends Marilyn and Richard loved the place.

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