Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Tests.

I just hate being forced to undertake medical tests. What starts out so simply ends up with yet another round of testing. It all started so innocently, the decision to remove the cataract from my left eye. The surgery is scheduled for April 29, the day after we return from Texas. But not so easy. Within thirty days prior to surgery, I must have a physical, so I made an appointment with my internist March 25, which is very close to the time frame required. Everything seems fine, blood is drawn and EKG taken, except Dr. A. can not hear my right carotid artery well enough and sees a couple of spikes on the EKG, so from one visit to my internist on Thursday afternoon I am left with yet more tests.

Monday I had a Doppler ultra sound test of my right carotid artery in yet another office. It was fine, with no problems at all. At the same time, they checked the left, which is still plugged, but the collateral arteries around the left carotid are doing yeoman's service, so that is good. Next I must have a consultation with a cardiologist, which I did today, for yet another test tomorrow, this time an echo stress test and something else. Then to totally make sure I am perfect, I must wear a monitor for 48 hours. These tests are never going to end. Every one seems to take two hours. For the last straw, I must return for another blood test with my internist because my white cells are elevated, which of course they are, because I have a cold. It is enough to grind your teeth

And it all started with the simple decision to remove my cataract.

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