Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 6, 2010. Mexico. Flea Market #2.

All by himself, Robbie bought a set of three silver bracelets for Joyce. At lunch, we admired the bracelets, which matches a new ring purchased recently in a store at the Mall. Now Joyce had a problem. Three silver bracelets nested together, one silver ring, but no silver earrings. Joyce asked if I would return with her to the flea market where I purchased my earrings. The man I was dealing with would not sell the earrings to me for the price I would buy, so I walked away along the beach, after telling him "Thank you". Twenty yards along the beach he followed me and offered me my price, so I paid him the hundred pesos and put on the earrings. I became the expert negotiator at the flea markets.

At the first small flea market, four vendors were selling jewelry, so we started looking. I thought they were all expensive, but at the last man's case, Joyce found two pairs she liked so we began discussing price. Forty Dollars was the first price, but soon we got to thirty. I wanted ten. which was what mine cost. The man quickly held up one similar to mine and offered it to Joyce for ten dollars, probably because he knew she did not want stone in her earrings. He convinced her that pure silver is more expensive as it was sterling and labeled with the number. I walked away as did Robbie and Joyce, but finally Robbie went back and bought the one pair for two hundred pesos, which is close to eighteen dollars. They were happy.

Friday night at dinner, Joyce was all dressed up with her new silver. And she looked marvellous.

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