Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010. Mexico. An Invitation.

I was reading while Ken was beginning to prepare dinner when someone knocked at our door. This unusual event had us both standing up alert, looking at each other. Finally, we responded and discovered that Margaret, our neighbor next door , invited us to come for a drink, right now. I like spur of the moment events so of course we said we would be right over and we did, after Ken took the meat out of the oven. Margaret and David live in Kimberley, British Columbia, a lovely spot of the world worth visiting. They were both born and educated in England but have lived in Canada many years. Margaret is a doctor and is semi-retired. She will fill in for local doctors when they take vacation but only a few times during the year.

The reason for the invitation was to meet a friend Joan from England. Margaret and Joan were in Medical school together in England and have had a good job of keeping in touch over the years. Joan was an Anaesthesiologist but now is retired. Joan is a perfect image of an English lady in every way. She is polite and unassuming and interesting and pleasant so we were pleased to meet her and of course we always enjoy talking to Margaret and David. All three of them have travelled a lot so it was fun to pick their brains about places to visit. Ken and I have travelled much less than most people we talk to down here. It was lovely hour with them, especially as it was so unexpected.

It turns out that on Wednesday, Joan will sleep on the couch as Family is arriving with a grandchild so they need the second bedroom. They overlapped on purpose as Joan is the godmother of the daughter of David and Margaret. As we live next door and we have three bedrooms, all with a bathroom, I urged Joan to use our empty bedroom when the company arrives, so tomorrow morning, Joan will come and bring her belongings into her own bedroom and be much more comfortable than sleeping on the couch. Everyone is happy and grateful.

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