Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Blossoms.

Spring has arrived to Washington. The cherry blossoms are in bloom in Kenwood. From our apartment windows we see pink blossoms in every direction. When we arrived on Wednesday evening, there was no sign of any flowers, and other than the forsythia, there were no blossoms in sight. But over the weekend, the pear trees bloomed, then almost over night the cherry blossoms came out on Monday morning, and by the time I arrived home from work, the streets were gorgeous, with the blossoms covering the whole street with blossoms. It is quite remarkable, but unfortunately lasts only a short few days. While the blossoms are out, the neighborhood streets are full of slow driving cars and pedestrians, all enjoying the beauty.

For the next month, the colors will be vibrant in the gardens. Next comes the magnolia trees, followed by the dogwood trees, only to follow along with the azaleas. Then we must wait until the crepe myrtle in the fall, but the Spring show is dramatic. If you have not seen it in person, plan a trip. The problem is that the Cherry Blossom Festival is often not the same time as the arrival of the blossoms, but this year, the blossoms were on in full bloom the same weekend as the Festival. What luck.

The farm is usually two weeks behind the Washington area. This weekend at the farm the forsythia will be in bloom, but certainly not the cherry trees and dogwoods. Now this year we have enjoyed the Spring blossoms in Mississippi, followed by the Spring in Washington. Now this weekend we will enjoy the bursting trees at the farm. Spring is an exciting time of year.

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