Monday, January 31, 2011

January31, 2011. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Craig Ferguson.

It turns out he was the host of The Late Late show and had been for several years.  It is also true that he was born in Glasgow and left school at sixteen,  became a hopeless alcoholic for ten years before attending rehab in London, then meeting success in California where his world will now be happy evermore, even though he is onto his third marriage.   The book eventually got interesting but I felt like I was attending a testimony  meeting at The Salvation Army, except with lots of swear words.

In the early seventies, swear words in public were so unusual that everyone laughed, including me, but now they are merely tedious.  I do not know why comedians today use such foul language especially the F word.  Do they think it is funny or are they just so devoid of additional vocabulary that the same words are repeated many times, each time with a different context.

This book had redeeming social value, eventually.  I am always interested with success and this book is all about success, but Craig could have ended up with a better book if he had a good editor.  It should be on a reading list for the AA.

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