Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18, 2011. Harper, Texas. The Comedy of Errors.

It all came out right in the end.  Funny how that happens.  

Our car, the Ford Escape, would not start, despite a battery charge,  so mid morning I called AAA.   My phone works best sitting out by the fire pit so I called them from there.  The call was lengthy and I was cold but finally, the truck was on the way to get us started.    Ken tried one more time to make the engine turn over and to every ones surprise, the car started.  I called AAA to cancel the request.  Ken and I immediately left to drive to Harper to have the car inspected and left the car while we ate lunch at The Longhorn Cafe.

The inspection was completed but the mechanic thought that we needed a new battery so he ordered it, which we were to have installed on Monday.   A company in Fredericksburg handles the Z Booster, a very successful addition to our cell reception at the farm, so as our reception at the ranch is not always good, we wanted to buy one.  I spoke to the lady at the store and asked her to hold the only one they had in stock because we were on the way.

We drove the twenty miles only to discover that the store was closed.  We were irritated.  Then, when Ken tried to start the car, it would not make a sound, so once again, I called AAA and re-activated my request but this time from  downtown  Fredericksburg.  While we were waiting the fifteen minutes, the lady from the store arrived and Ken bought the Z Boost.  AAA arrived and started the car, then installed a new battery, just like that.

At the end of the day, we have a new battery  and we have the Z Boost and we were home by 4:00.  Some days everything turns out well.

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