Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011. Jackson, Mississippi. The Big Blue Heron.

It was the oddest thing to watch. This very large blue heron flew to a post, ten feet high, at the edge of a,dock right in front of our condo. While sitting on his perch, he proceeded to groom all his feathers. Front and back, top to bottom, he covered every part of his large body while perched on top of the post. He stayed for ages, in fact we gave up and finally went inside.

Another heron was doing what she should, which is standing in shallow water,and search for fish. This heron stayed totally still until, she pounced and speared a fish.

Ken and I went for a walk,around our complex and commented that we had not seen the heron.  Then we sat on our tiny patio and soon we spotted the heron, strutting along the dock not twenty feet away. Soon, up he flew and proceeded to put on a show for us. It was amazing to see how much of his body he could cover with his large beak.

As Ken commented when we first arrived last Saturday "I is nice to be in the South."

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